“Very few of us love life enough;
Most of us allow small things to get in the way
of our enjoyment of life, and we get into the habit of not seeing all the
wonderful things that are in our lives.
I see this bad habit start at a very early age.
When I see a young child who is not getting his
own way, I will sometimes see him suck in the love-of-life energy.
It doesn’t normally last long with a young
child, though, and within a few minutes I will see this energy burst forward
When you approach anything – work or any task
with love-of-life, the task becomes so much easier, you gain more confidence,
and start to see the positives in the work you are doing.
You realise how much you enjoy your colleagues,
or how nice so many of the customers are, or you simply appreciate going home
with a pay-packet.
When you approach work with this love-of-life
you have more mental and physical energy and are able to do a better job.
You are open to see and seize opportunities to
learn new things, or take on a new job.
It helps to move you forward in life. People
who really love life are frequently not in the most important jobs.
They may not need as much as others need in
terms of stimulation, or reward, but they often, though, live much more
satisfying and happy work lives than those who seek a ‘higher status’.
Remember to enjoy your life today.
Blessings to you your family and loved ones."
~ Lorna Byrne

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