Be willing to dream ~
Dr Wayne Dyer
“My favorite definition of success, which I’ve
cited on numerous occasions, was offered by Henry David Thoreau in the mid-19th
century at Walden Pond:
“If one advances
confidently in the direction of his dreams, and
endeavors to live the
life which he has imagined,
he will meet with a
success unexpected in common hours.”
I’ve italicized two words in Thoreau’s
definition of success — dreams and imagined.
What Thoreau is saying is so important to you
Be willing to dream, and imagine yourself
becoming all that you wish to be.
If you live from those imaginings, the universe
will align with you in bringing all that you wish for — and even more than you
imagined when you were living at an ordinary level of consciousness, or what
Thoreau calls “common hours.”
Keep in mind the basic axiom — all that now
exists was once imagined.
It follows then, that what you want to exist
for you in the future must now be imagined.
You’ll see as you read through these
foundations for fulfilling your wishes that using your imagination involves
more intensity on your part than just imagining an occasional wishful thought.
You must first unlearn some of the ways that
you’ve been misusing or squandering the capacity your imagination has for
providing you with an unlimited ability to manifest all that you desire.
Thoreau called it advancing confidently in the
direction of your own dreams.
Unfortunately, most of us have learned to do
the opposite with our imagination, and instead regularly use it to develop
mental habits of advancing in precisely the reverse direction of our highest
dreams for ourselves.
In my book Wishes Fulfilled, I also address in
depth how to utilize the ‘I ams’ and live from your ‘I am God’ awareness,
beginning with your imagination.
Recall that I am God doesn’t refer to your body
in any way.
It refers to the birthless, deathless,
changeless spirit that remains in all the changing forms your body takes every
moment of your temporary life here on Earth.
It is important that you recognize a few of the
imagination missteps that will block you from fulfilling your unique desires.
Remember that your
imagination is yours and yours alone.
You have the inborn capacity to use it in any
way that you choose.
No one else is responsible for your
Anything placed in your imagination and held
there ultimately becomes your reality.
Nikos Kazantzakis reinforces this idea by
giving these words to his fanciful character Zorba (in his book Zorba the
Greek), who always lived his life to the fullest:
“By believing passionately in something that
does not yet exist we create it.
The non - existent is whatever we have not
sufficiently desired.”
This is the power of your imagination when what
you desire is imagined sufficiently to make it your reality.
Don’t diminish this great gift by using it in a
way that is antithetical to its I am God original nature.
Perhaps the most common misuse of imagination
is stressing what you don’t want for yourself.
This is the largest category of misusing
Start paying attention to general conversation,
and you will be astounded at how incredibly prevalent it is.
Imagining that finds expression in phrases
like, I don’t deserve prosperity, I am always so unlucky, Things never work out
for me, and I am unhealthy and cannot be healed, are the kind of ideas that may
have been entertained since childhood.
Highly functioning
self-actualized people simply never imagine
what it is that they
don’t wish to have as their reality.
Begin noticing and being careful about keeping
your imagination free of thoughts that you do not wish to materialize.
Instead, initiate a practice of filling your
creative thoughts to overflow with ideas and wishes that you fully intend to
Honor your imaginings regardless of others
seeing them as crazy or impossible.
Recall the words of Kazantzakis and
passionately believe in that which is in your imagination and which does not
yet exist on the physical plane."
~ Dr Wayne Dyer

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