How To Lead A More
Meaningful Life ~ Dr Wayne Dyer
The direction we take in life is far more
significant than the place ego parks us, in the present moment.
For example, inquiring about what direction
we’re headed is more valuable than focusing on how much we weigh or when we had
our last cigarette.
Making a commitment to change a self-sabotaging
way of life is making a commitment to change direction, and then we head toward
weight loss or addiction control.
Heading toward something more purposeful and
meaningful is even more significant.
Changing Life Direction If we persistently
listen to the demands of the ego, we move away from our Source of being.
The ego insists on pursuing more: more stuff,
accomplishments, status, triumphs, and money.
More is the mantra of the ego, fuelling endless
striving with a false promise of eventually arriving.
However, every assured arrival point is
seductively transformed to a desire to strive for even more, unless we choose
to make a shift in the direction our life is taking.
The shift begins in the process of halting the
momentum and self-importance of the ego.
Then we must proceed with the work of derailing
and rerouting it in the opposite direction.
This doesn’t mean we lose our drive; rather, it
signifies that our drive is realigned with a life based on experiencing Meaning
and feeling purposeful.
Ambition will now be fuelled by our Source of
being, rather than by ego.
Heading back to our natural Source puts us on
track to a way of life that supports the potential wholeness that we are.
Here are 3 benefits of changing our life direction
and making the return trip from Ambition to Meaning:
repetitious insistence to do and have more becomes less attractive.
Changing direction from
a less-than-authentic existence to an authentic one doesn’t mean that we’re no
longer able to attract abundance and prosperity, or that we lose our desire to
be productive.
It does mean that we
feel the natural bliss of being tuned in to our wholeness.
We begin to shift from
doing more to doing less.
On the journey back to
our original nature, we do more of what the recovery movement teaches in that
we “let go and let God.”
Without pressuring
ourselves to achieve at all costs, we attain the wondrous position of
accomplishing more, and we ultimately feel more significance in our life.
We begin to shun the
spotlight and function more from the shadows.
Our Source of being
says that humility should be our primary focus.
But for years, ego has
been effectively convincing us that we must focus on acquiring a reputation for
being an ambitious person.
Imagine the difficulty
ego has when we begin practising this kind of radical humility.
belief in unity replaces our belief in separation.
Our Source of being
tells us that we’re all connected, so we start feeling less competitive — our
desire to dominate is replaced by compassion, and controlling others is no
longer appealing.
All conflicts, be they
in our personal life or the larger world, stem from heading away from our
Source of being.
3. We
begin realizing that we’re connected in Spirit to everything we perceive to be
missing from our life.
When we head in the
direction of where we reconnect to our Source of being, the journey is typified
by an alignment in which we think and act like the Tao that flows everywhere.
As we move in this
direction, there’s no possibility of shortage or lack.
We become content and
grateful for all that we have.
We begin trusting the
wisdom that created us.
We abandon the material
ego focus and can no longer see ourselves as separate from God.
As we become one with
our Source, we begin the realignment process, thinking and contemplating more
like God.”
~ Dr Wayne Dyer

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