Tuesday, 27 November 2012

A quick guide to your chakra system. Truth Heals ~ Deborah King.

TRUTH HEALS – Deborah King
Published by Hayhouse ISBN: 978-1-4019-2301-3

PLEASE TAKE NOTE: I take no credit for Deborah’s work – I have merely copied the parts of her book which I felt resonated and wanted to share !

By no means is this a substitute for buying a personal copy of her book !

deborahkingcenter.com is a great resource for finding out more about Deborah and her light inspiring work, as well as tuning into hayhouseradio.com Wednesday 10pm british standard time.

Telling the truth is about freedom. It is about joy and peace and health and living a life that is meaningful, powerful, connected and loving. Ultimately, telling the truth is about feeling good in your own skin, unencumbered, free and having the life that you want to live.

The truth is a force of such magnitude that it demands to be known, one way or another. If buried, the truth will push its way to the surface. Denial or suppression of the truth will manifest as ill health, dysfunctional relationships, or financial problems. The truth does not remain silenced or suppressed comfortably. It may take a lifetime but the truth will win out. ….

We cannot live a lie and have peace. We cannot live a lie and have joy.

True peace and joy are manifestations of living our personal truth.

When we keep painful secrets or tell lies, we distort our energy fields, weaken our immune systems, pickle our organs, constrict our hearts, rattle our brains, and confuse our nervous systems. Lies turn the body into a toxic waste dump. Our body and its surrounding system is a kaleidoscope of energy. From bottom to top – from the first energy center (root chakra) located at the base of the spine up through the seventh energy center (crown chakra) located at the top of the head – we consist of a complex system that receives energy from the world and sends out energy in what is intended to be a healthy in-and-out cycle. When balanced, the energy centers in the body are spinning vortices that keep us healthy.

Life experiences, emotional upsets, surgeries, accidents, and trauma of any kind can shock and impair our energy systems. If these experiences are not processed and released over time, a lack of energy flow in some area of the body may manifest as illness or other problems. Memories of painful events may be ‘forgotten’ – denied or suppressed by the conscious mind as a means of coping with fear, sorrow or rage. But the body never forgets because it stores these memories.

I wanted to live. The truth saved my life.
The lies we use to hide our truth sit inside us like time bombs; the sooner we are willing to dismantle the lies, the sooner we can heal. Telling the truth is an act of love – love for ourselves, for our lives, and for all those we love. To heal we must know the truth, acknowledge it and forgive.

Located at the base of the spine; the very foundation of physical existence; carries our life force upward in our bodies and also downward through our legs, connecting us to the earth for grounding and support.

Key root chakra issues are safety and trust, nourishment, health, home and family. Areas at risk if unbalanced are the adrenal glands, the base of the spine, coccyx, legs, feet, bones, rectum, immune system and spinal column.

Distortion can cause possible outcomes such as develop a feeling of being ungrounded, with the sensation of not really being here; poor focus and discipline; or fear, anxiety, and phobias. We may become restless or have an inability to settle down. Lack of organizational skills, feelings of abandonment, resistance to change, and low energy or lack of physical power, are other indicators that the root chakra is not balanced.  

A distorted first chakra can lead to the following physical problems:
- eating disorders or malnourishment
- adrenal insufficiency
- problems with feet, legs or coccyx
- rectal or colon cancer
- spinal problems
- immune related disorders
- osteoporosis or other bone disorders
The root chakra gives us our sense of belonging.  

Presence is a chief characteristic of an integrated first chakra. Those with root chakra problems are often not present in their lives – functioning on autopilot. Many of us ‘split’ from our bodies when we were very young. Like a reflex, we protected ourselves by pulling out when danger approached. This technique made sense when we were children but as adults we want to break this pattern of disassociating from our bodies when we are frightened or distracted because, in reality, we can only protect ourselves if we stay in the present moment. If you notice yourself wanting to ‘check out,’ take a deep breath, plant your feet on the ground, and tell yourself, ‘Its safe to be here in my body right now.’

Acknowledging our own truth frees up our energy systems, thus enhancing the way they function. We need well-functioning energy systems in order to have strong bodies – healthy blood running through our veins and arteries; properly functioning organs; and vigorous lymphatic, nervous, and immune systems.
Pay attention…. Accidents are no accident

Accidents are the body’s mechanism for getting our attention. Whether it is a car accident, sports injury, or we trip headlong into a wall, it is an indication that we are not really in our bodies, that something has taken our focus away. Accidents slam us back into reality, sometimes literally. It’s the way our bodies and the universe say, ‘Hey pay attention! You’re important!’

A fully integrated and healthy first chakra is associated with trust and safety, security and survival, and connection to family and community. An individual with a strong base feels at home in his body or her body, is well grounded in physical reality, and makes the statement, ‘It is safe, and I want to be here now.’ He likely has a strong will to live and emanates vitality and life force. Oprah Winfrey “We are not what happens to us; we get to choose what to do with what happens to us.”

To determine the state of your first energy center, honestly answer the following questions:
Have I experienced traumas like major illnesses, accidents, surgeries, abuse or shocking events ?
Do I often ‘absent’ myself from routine tasks ? Am I in another world when I am showering, cleaning, driving, exercising ?
Do I have any of the conditions listed above ?
Is my immune system healthy, or do I get one ‘bug’ after another ?
Is it easy for me to retain my focus, or am I anxious or restless?
Do I have low energy ?
Am I disorganised in my personal space or neglectful of my body?
Do I seem to have excessive fears or phobias?
Am I unreasonably resistant to change?
It is not necessary to vividly recall or relive an event to heal from it. All that is really required for healing is an awareness of how we feel now. Being grounded in our bodies gives us the experience of ‘I am here, and I am safe.’ Ways to reconnect our bodies to the earth include spending time walking barefoot on grass or a sandy beach, alternatively, take a walk through a park, sit with your back against a tree…

When our understanding of sexuality and personal relationships gets distorted at an early age, that damage registers in the body. This center, located several inches below the naval, is the seat of sensuality, sexuality, emotion, and our inner child, governs the way we relate in groups, how we establish boundaries with others and within ourselves, and how we find pleasure. The very essence of human interaction – learning to give and receive – comes from this center.
If the second chakra is distorted, we may develop poor boundaries and wind up attracting people who invade them or whose boundaries we invade. Or we may fall into victimizing others or feeling victimized ourselves. We may become overly seductive, manipulative, ambitious, dependent, martyr-like in behaviour, or a sex, drug, or alcohol addict. We may compromise our ethics for sex, or money or power; become greedy and hoard money, or the complete opposite – manifest financial problems, even poverty.

People with distorted second energy centers may experience a variety of physical problems, including:
-          Sexual dysfunction, impotence, frigidity, or promiscuity
-          In women: fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, menstrual dysfunction, ovarian cysts or cancer
-          In men: prostate problems or prostate cancer
-          Inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis
-          Appendicitis
-          Chronic low back pain or sciatica
-          Bladder problems
-          Urinary problems

For many of us, it takes years to gain the courage to speak or acknowledge the truth. Some of us who have come out of silence are able to act as guides for others. Shame wants out, but it doesn’t know how to get out. The child wants to tell, but cant. If we don’t heal the shame, we are doomed to repeat and perhaps even perpetuate its effects.

Water can be healing. Pour a bath, add one pound each of sea salt and baking soda, and soak for 20mins or more. Allow all your old feelings and thoughts about your past to be drawn out by the salt water. Imagine all of that guilt or shame dissolving into the bath and being washed away as you say the words, ‘I speak the truth and reclaim my true nature. I am pure. I am clean.’
Abusing a substance of any kind is an action taken to mask uncomfortable feelings. At first, our addictions make us feel good. The negative feelings go away and we feel on top of the world, capable of dealing with anything. Eventually, the addiction begins to affect our lives in negative ways and, over time, exacts a heavy toll.  

Women who rely on seduction usually have an excessive and distorted second energy center. Many women still have encoded in their cellular memory, the entrenched belief that a woman is nothing without a man. This belief holds that no matter how hard a woman tried or how much she achieves, she will never be equal in value to a man. This belief system does a great disservice to both men and women by denying the feminine principle in men and the masculine principle in women, rather then recognizing the need to balance these principles in both genders. When a person’s value is so strenuously attached to their appearance, they die inside.

If you have said yes when you meant no, the simple act of saying no is empowering. You honor yourself, and you honor others when you tell the truth about what’s right for you.

People with integrated sacral centers enjoy touching and being touched. They are comfortable giving and receiving enjoyment, love, money, and material goods. They know how and when to say no and have a sense of internal balance between their masculine and feminine qualities.

A healthy second chakra is a fertile place – an engine of creative possibility that allows inspiration to flow through the body. As the seat of the inner child and emotions, this center also hosts our creative and generative impulse. Men and women express creative inspiration through their entire energy field and body/mind in a host of different ways every day.

Have I had any of the illnesses listed above ?
Have I used sex to get what I want in abusive or seductive ways ? Do I routinely fake orgasms ?
Do I have any addictions: food, drugs, alcohol, sex, or behaviors that injure me or others ?
Do I have any money problems ?
Do  I feel that I give and give and give and get nothing back ?
Do my friends complain that ‘everything is always about me’ or that I am too needy ?
Do I feel chronically alone, lonely, or abandoned by people ?
Am I self-defeating and feel as if I can’t accomplish anything?
Am I uncomfortable saying ‘no’ and establishing good boundaries for myself ?
Do I act out irresponsibly or try to blame others ?
One way of cultivating a habit of self nurture and self care is to immerse yourself in water on a regular basis. Another way to nurture yourself is to play music that duplicates the sound of the ocean – a good way to calm your body and environment. You can also clear and charge this chakra by walking in the moonlight.
Bringing awareness to tendencies that have become second nature is very powerful. Simply become aware of your patterns, without guilt or shame. Once you have awareness, the best ways to accelerate your healing can be sought out. In some cases the right path to take will simply appear. Remember, the first step to healing is always awareness.

This is the body’s primary power center, the source of will, purpose and action. This is the seat of self worth; our self esteem and personal power emanate from this vital center. Located at the solar plexus midway between the navel and the sternum, the third chakra corresponds with the center of our metabolic fire – that which fuels us and gives us vitality. From this center we harness our energy and convert it into action. The seat of our will is also in the third chakra. Strength of will and personal power are developed when the solar plexus functions according to its design.

When the third energy center is excessive or deficient, some of the resulting medical issues may include:
-          problems with the pancreas, including diabetes and hypoglycaemia
-          digestive difficulties, such as gastric or duodenal ulcers
-          liver problems, including cirrhosis, hepatitis, and liver cancer
-          Hiatal hernia
-          Gallstones
-          Haemorrhoids
-          Varicose veins
-          Problems with the spleen

The pancreas, located in the area of the third chakra, processes and assimilates emotions and regulates blood sugar. An unbalanced third energy center can cause hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar), a condition that is the opposite of diabetes. Often, those with hypoglycaemia can’t express their emotions clearly for fear that safety or love will be lost if they say what they think.

Butterflies or the fluttery feeling of energy in the stomach that we normally ‘read’ as anxiety, excitement, or fear is actually a sign that the third energy center is preparing itself for an approaching challenge. The best remedy is to ask yourself, What am I afraid of? And what can I do to protect myself ? Bringing feelings to consciousness awareness is the best way to change them.

A stagnant liver is alarmingly common, and liver function can be impaired long before any sign of trouble. Our livers process and filter everything we put into our bodies. As stagnation in the liver increases, toxicity builds and can show up anywhere in the body, manifesting in myriad disease or pre-disease conditions. Signs of a stressed liver include haemorrhoids, varicose veins, jaundice, skin eruptions, and abdominal swelling to name just a few.

The energy dynamic we often see affecting the liver is persistent, repressed anger. Those with toxic livers may have disconnected from their heart’s desires and are not being true to themselves. They often feel victimised and repeat stories from the past about their victimiser while refusing to alter their behaviour or beliefs. They are stubbornly committed to staying angry, and therefore unconsciously sabotage themselves. Rarely are they aware of the need to take responsibility for their own actions. Displacing blame onto others and ‘the world’ is a common characteristic of those with poorly functioning third chakras.  

We can improve the state of our liver with simple lifestyle changes: reducing fatty foods, limiting our intake of drugs, alcohol, and over-the-counter medications, eating pesticide-free organic food, avoiding exposure to chemicals, and not blaming or attacking others.  

People with distorted third energy centers in outward push mode will overtake and overwhelm others to gain power. The excessive solar plexus can be seen in type A personalities – people who are aggressive, pushy or impatient. In the extreme, these people are perpetrators of abuse who prey on others. Frequently, they even try to ‘push’ time itself.  

Do you push to accomplish the impossible in a short amount of time ? of course, we can’t literally expand the minutes in a day, but we sure do try. If you always feel there’s not enough time, relax . . . take a breath . . . love yourself for what you’ve already accomplished.

When our third energy centers are fit and healthy, we feel able to take action. Our intentions are clearly focused. Those with vibrant third energy centers claim their power and stand in it. They have no need to demand or ruthlessly take power from someone else. Power flows to them because they know who they are and who they are not. These people can accomplish a great deal in the world.
A few considerations for obtaining a balanced third chakra:
- Live your truth without regard for what others think
- Take responsibility for your words and actions
- Acknowledge that you have a choice and the ability to manifest your desires
- Just because someone may not love you as you would like, does not mean that you are unlovable.

Am I prone to a condition listed above ?
Am I able to acknowledge and move through my feelings of anger and resentment without blaming or verbally attacking others ?
Is jealousy eating me up ?
Do I feel I can cooperate with others as a team player, or do I invariably need to hog the limelight ?
Do I chronically push myself and others to get things done ? Do I try to ‘push’ time itself?
Do I try to control others or events ?
Do I have a habit of standing with my arms folded in front of me, above my waist, in an effort to protect my solar plexus ?
Do I frequently feel overpowered by people I am with ?
Is winning everything ?
Do I require outside approval to feel okay about myself ?
To support an increase in energy, vitality, and connection to self, spend some time in the sun. Engaging in any physical movement awakens and recharges your body. Gardening is a good antidote – anything that allows you to slow down and become acquainted with who you are and what you really feel is key.

Located in the center of the chest, the fourth chakra rules over the lungs, heart, pericardium, thymus, upper back and ribs, arms, and hands. The heart is the bridge between the three lower chakras that connect us to the earth and the three upper chakras that connect us to the Infinite. Here is formed the link between the physical and the nonphysical and the bonds between self and other(s). The heart is the central organ of life that feeds the body. Key themes of this center include: giving and receiving, unconditional love, gratitude, and the willingness to be vulnerable and open. When the heart center is in balance, we are content and feel at peace, we are caring, compassionate, and forgiving.
Conditions of a distorted fourth energy center can include:
-          congestive heart failure, heart attack, mitral valve prolapse, chest pain
-          arteriosclerosis, peripheral vascular insufficiency
-          asthma, shortness of breath
-          allergies
-          lung cancer, pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema
-          breast cancer and breast disorders, such as mastitis or cysts
-          immune system deficiencies
-          circulation problems
-          tension or pain between the shoulder blades
-          shoulder, arm, and hand issues, such as carpel tunnel

What we do with our feelings in times of heartbreak is key. Shutting down the heart is a common response when pain seems unbearable. But a heart that is shut down from the bad stuff – the feelings we don’t want to feel – also becomes closed off from the good stuff, the love we most want to receive. When we shut down our hearts, we diminish our capacity not only to give and receive love, but also to remain healthy.

The heart is the central organ in the body, the life giver. A heart that is closed to minimise pain can become the catalyst for illness. The thymus helps the body fight disease by producing hormones that aid in the production of T-cells, vital players in healthy immune system functioning. The thymus may become diseased when a battle wages inside the self. A lack of self-love or self-acceptance – a feeling of being unlovable for who we are or a feeling that we have to fight to be loved as we are – can create an environment of ill health inside the body. Anything that restricts or blocks the flow of energy to the body will result in illness. Suppressed emotions such as anger or shame contribute to the creation of a weakened immune system. Emotions can kill if suppressed.

If you are not attracting love into your life, you might ask yourself if your heart is truly open to love or if you are harbouring and feeding old hurts. Taking personal inventory is a powerful way to see if your heart is open or closed.
-          what am I feeling ?
-          where am I hurting ?
-          how am I holding love back ?
-          why am I withholding love ?
-          could I be more loving to others and myself ?
-          do I think I need to be perfect to be loved ?
-          How could I love myself just as I am ?
-          What does self-acceptance look like to me?
-          Have I isolated myself from others ?
-          Do I lack empathy or am I afraid of intimacy?
-          Am I excessively drawn to others, in need of their approval and their love?
-          Am I co-dependent, giving too much attention to the needs of others and not enough to my own ?
-          Am I enough now ? if not, when will I be enough ?
As we come to know ourselves better, the answers to these questions can help us know when, where and how our hearts need healing.
Real love is an emotion of truth. Love has the power to heal all the wounds we may have suffered – if we allow it to flow.
Ask yourself, how am I feeling now? What / who caused these feelings? When (where, why) did these feelings arise? Can I be with these feelings without denying or judging them?
Monday mornings are classic times for heart attacks. Studies show that more people experience heart attacks between 8am and 9am on Monday mornings, the start of their workweek, than at any other time. When you do what you love, you will genuinely welcome Monday mornings.

Unconditional love, forgiveness, and surrender – the ability to ‘let go and let God’ – are the hallmarks of a heart chakra in perfect balance. These abilities are not easily achieved in the face of what would otherwise cause reactions of anger or fear.
Unconditional love is an act of an open heart, an act of the divine coursing through our veins. Ordinary people can and do demonstrate it. Healing our hearts and our fourth energy centers takes consciousness. We all need to set aside time to do the work of self-healing. Meditation and journaling are important for consciously approaching this work.
-          Do I have any of the conditions listed above ?
-          Have I ever felt betrayed by a love partner? What did I do as a result ?
-          Have I been diagnosed with heart-related problems or lung disease ?
-          Do my hands or arms ache?
-          Do I suffer from emphysema or recurring bouts of pneumonia?
-          Have I ever felt rejected by family or friends ? What did I do with my pain ?
-          Is love scary to me ? Or do I give and receive it easily ?
-          Have I been told that I criticise and judge people ?
-          Have I forgiven myself or others for past infractions, or do I still harbour resentment?
-          Which attributes could I develop more – altruism, love, compassion, forgiveness, hope, trust, harmony, support ?
Loving and being loved is our right. Health and vigour are the natural results of balanced energy systems. Rich and balanced relationships function in the flow of giving and receiving. Faced with any imbalance, listen to your body, mind, and heart, and do what works. Do what you love, and it will reward you in kind. Be open to loving yourself and others more. Seek to soften the rigid walls you have erected around your heart. Dig out the roots of your consciousness where you buried any hope of experiencing real love. Pets love us unconditionally and make it safe for us to learn to love again.

Primarily associated with creative expression. Its key theme is speaking the truth – expressing who we are, what we feel, and what we believe – whether through verbal or nonverbal communication. Sound comes through the throat and enables expression through spoken words and the songs we sing. The ‘messengers’ of the fifth energy center are voice and choice. We manifest how we live, what we wear, what we eat, and even what our dreams are by giving them voice. Choice gives voice to our desires, and, in turn, our voice expresses our choice.  

The fifth chakra is connected to the throat, neck, shoulders, mouth, jaw, and teeth, as well as to the nasal sinuses, vocal chords, trachea and esophagus, cervical vertebrae, and ears. The thyroid, parathyroid, and the hypothalamus, which control the autonomic nervous system, are also located here.

When this area is out of balance, the following conditions can arise:
-          TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder in the jaw
-          Swollen glands in the throat, throat cancer
-          Neck problems
-          Chronic childhood tonsillitis
-          Hypo- and hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis, thyroid cancer, Hashimoto’s, Grave’s disease
-          Chronic sinus problems
-          Any disorders of the throat, voice, mouth, teeth, or gums
Thyroid conditions typically arise after physical or emotional crises.

The throat chakra functions as a regulator, controlling what we let out or keep in. It is also the seat of subtle guidance, providing us with a quiet voice from within that guides us in every situation – if we take the time to listen. Unfortunately, when we experience conflict between our head and our heart, we can shut down that ‘still small voice’ within. We may refuse to listen to our inner guidance or to those around us. This dynamic shuts down the normal processes of this center.  

When the throat area has distortions, issues can develop. These may include an inability to communicate effectively, an unwillingness to hear or act on guidance, or a sense of having lost the rhythm of life. Other manifestations can include an inability to receive what is given by others, a tendency to blame others for our experiences, or an urge to force things to happen. People who are out of balance in this area may talk too much or speak in appropriate ways. They may gossip, stutter, or have difficulty being quiet. Sometimes they are too loud. They may find it hard to put words together or have a fear of speaking, or they may be secretive, excessively shy, or tone deaf.
When we are paralyzed by fear – horrified of the consequences that revealing the truth might bring – we go to great lengths to foster the lie. We protect and nurture the lie, ignoring the cost to our personal integrity. Facing our truth allows us to live the life we are meant to live.  

From an energy perspective, the throat is the power center of living from our truth. When balanced and healthy, we live from our dreams, our visions, our greater purpose, our integrity, our love of who we are, and our blessings in life.
A full, resonant quality to a person’s voice, easy communication, and creative fluency indicate balance of the fifth energy center.

The fifth chakra is the bridge between the heart, traditionally thought to embody feminine values, and the head, typically believed to express masculine traits. As the center of choice, the fifth chakra is also the bridge between an individual’s inner and outer worlds. This dynamic energy center is also the seat of higher energies and pure creativity.

A healthy and balanced fifth energy system is at one with the concept of divine will. Divine will is a powerful force of spiritual energy from higher dimensions that can awaken new consciousness, bring about profound realisations, and strengthen our personal will. It aligns our personal intentions with the soul to carry out our goals and purposes. Those with distorted and irregular fifth chakras tend to push against the river, trying to make deals with the universe to have things go their way.  

Finding truth is a daily process of meeting the self, checking in, and talking with myself, making sure that I am speaking my truth in ways that are natural and authentic.  

Balance between voicing our desires, taking action, and allowing what is meant to happen is key here. Stop pushing…. Relax… allow…. Surrender…affirming “I choose to surrender to the powers of the universe in the running of my life, my health, my relationships, my finances, and all the small stuff, too.” You will feel a lot more relaxed and you won’t feel so alone.

The classic steps on the road to surrender are:
-          make no judgments
-          have no expectations
-          give up the need to know why
-          trust that unscheduled events are a form of direction
The Serenity Prayer : ‘God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.’
-          Do I have any of the conditions named above ?
-          Am I chronically hoarse ?
-          Have I had repeated sore throats or sinus problems ?
-          Do I experience frequent pain in my cervical vertebrae or shoulders ?
-          Do I talk too much or too loudly, stutter, or am I reluctant to speak? Am I tone deaf ?
-          Am I shy ?
-          Am I willing to say what I think, or am I always self editing ?
-          Am I honest with myself and take responsibility for my own personal needs ?
-          Am I able to hear and act on inner guidance ?

It is important to note that speaking the truth means speaking our individual truth, which is different for each of us. If you have problems with self-expression, journaling is a powerful tool to enhance self discovery. Be completely truthful in your journal. When you can trust yourself to be truthful on the pages of your journal, you can trust yourself to be truthful in the world. Just watch how your whole body relaxes as you express your truth.

The sixth chakra is the source of intuition. Called the brow center – or the ‘third eye’ – it is located between the eyebrows. When the third eye begins to open, magical synchronicities occur as we begin to see and sense connections that previously would have seemed completely coincidental. Once this center is activated, we can develop our potential for greater seeing, greater feeling, and greater hearing and move beyond the normal scope of our five senses.

The awakening of this energy center brings inspiration, insight, perception, wisdom, and vision and can lift us to unimaginable ecstasy. The question is whether or not we allow ourselves to develop this innate capacity. When our sixth energy center – the seat of higher seeing – is closed, we may feel cut off from our intuition or unable to trust what we see.  

A distorted sixth chakra can manifest as poor vision, memory, or concentration, as well as closed-mindedness, nightmares, and difficulty remembering dreams. The areas of the body that relate to this energy center are the brain, neurological system, pituitary and pineal glands, eyes, and nose.

The physical diseases that can emerge as a result of distorted or closed sixth energy centers include :
-          headaches
-          upper or frontal sinus conditions
-          neurological disturbances
-          bad eyesight, glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, blindness
-          stroke, haemorrhage, and brain tumour

The sixth energy center is all about discernment. Both the sixth and seventh chakras are closely linked to the endocrine glands that control the physiology of the body, from genes to the functioning of the central nervous system. The pituitary gland, often referred to as the ‘master’ gland because it influences every other endocrine gland, is also associated with the sixth energy center. This gland provides a connection between the brain and the immune system and influences the way trauma is experienced and recorded in the brain, which can lead to allergies or illness later on.

From the perspective of unity consciousness, we are all one and everything we can say about someone else can also be said of us.

Suppressing the truth can also affect creativity, an aspect of the sixth chakra.
When we listen to our intuition, heed our own morality, and take action in alignment with our ethics, we can walk with our heads held high. When we don’t, we suffer. Eventually, lies that we tell ourselves eat away at us and diminish our health. Be true to you.

When our sixth energy centers are in balance, we keep an open mind and seek the truth. An ideal sixth chakra has the power of discernment – inner and outer discretion – at its disposal. Albert Einstein was a great seer – his sixth energy center was wide open, “the most important decision you will ever make is whether the universe is friendly or not.” He believed that the single most vital quality for human beings to develop is imagination; “imagination is greater than knowledge.” Without imagination and intuition as its guiding force, our world would become stagnant and inert. We could say the same of our lives: without the magic and inspiration of our imagination, our lives would not have the sheen or radiance they do when our sixth energy centers are fully open and accessed.
am I listening to and following my inner guidance ?
Do I have any of the conditions listed above ?
Do I dream, and can I remember my dreams?
Do I have an illness whose onset coincided with an emotional event or loss that I did not want to fully embrace ?
Do I anticipate positive outcomes or negative ones ?
Do I have a habit of denying or ignoring what’s true?
Visualizing goals, dreams, and outcomes is a wonderful self-healing technique for the sixth energy center. Spend time resting with your eyes closed, picturing the exact outcome you desire. Opening yourself to this energy center opens to the wisdom of your higher self and to your more refined inner guidance system. Affirm your willingness to listen to your own inner direction.
Expressing the truth about who we are and what we really want is the key to peace and healthy living. Listening to ourselves and acknowledging what we really feel allows us to change what is not working and to live in a more meaningful, purposeful way. If we are not willing to listen to or see our truth, the question that we really need to ask is, who is the lie for ?

In this moment, do you trust life? Do you trust that you are loved, protected and supported? Do you trust that everything is working out for your highest good? If you don’t, ask for more trust. Speak it : “show me how to trust more!”
Then watch for signs that your life (and God) is listening.

The seventh energy center at the top of the head is called the ‘crown chakra’. This is our connection with spirit, our higher power, and the universe. It connects deeply within the brain to the pineal and pituitary glands and relates to the hypothalamus and the central nervous system. The crown chakra also links to the immune system as it relates to the psyche and emotions. The unification of human and divine occurs here in what is sometimes referred to as the superconscious – the place of the visionary mind, beyond time and space. This energy center opens outward and upward, pulling light energy in from above and flooding us with an experience of transcendence. We are no longer merely human when this center of energy is awakened; an enormous power lights up our consciousness.

Distortion of the seventh energy center may result in learning difficulties, rigid belief systems, spiritual addiction, cynicism, apathy, confusion, over intellectualization, or over identification with one’s own ego.

Prayer, meditation, music and nature are powerful tools for achieving a real true connection to the divine.

Diseases and disorders that may manifest as a result of an unbalanced or distorted seventh energy center include:
-          anxiety and depression
-          bipolar disorder
-          coma or amnesia
-          headache migraine
-          stroke
-          brain tumour
-          epilepsy
-          multiple sclerosis
Destiny comes to us as small taps at our consciousness. If those little signals don’t get through to us, destiny may hit us over the head with greater force. Sometimes destiny smashes through the wall we have built between ordinary life and our divine purpose by bringing us to the brink of death or madness. Life as we have known it can cease entirely in such a passage, and yet the arms of grace extend and catch us where we fall.

The actualization of a fully balanced and integrated seventh energy center occurs through surrender – a crucial concept in an awakened energy system. By giving up and giving ourselves over to something greater, we relinquish our small egos to a more expansive purpose. All good things flow to us as a result. Here in the seventh chakra we learn the truth: There is truly nothing to seek. Everything is within us. We are all connected. We are all one. To know that, intimately and deeply, is to know all. Fear, anxiety, and anger shut down our connection to the divine. Praying and other techniques allow us to release emotions that otherwise block the light coming down through the crown chakra. Balancing our crown chakra helps us to live openly, fully on our paths, and selflessly contribute to the greater good.
-          Do I have any of the conditions listed above ?
-          Am I inclined to think that my beliefs are the only ‘right’ ones ?
-          Do I trust a higher power, or do I feel I have been abandoned ?
-          Am I mad at God for a loss in the past ?
-          Do I feel cast out and feel my life is hard and unrelenting ?
-          Do I trust that I am safe and connected to a universe that wants to support me?
-          Do I have a ritual that connects me with my God or with nature ?
-          Do I have a sense of joy that comes from my purpose in the world ?

Our consciousness translates spiritual connection into the language we know. Be patient as you begin to open your connection. The process requires gentleness, willingness, truth, and, at times, discipline. Honor the connection you currently have and truth will open the door to greater levels of connection. On all levels, truth heals.
Ask yourself these questions:
-          how much of my day is really dedicated to the truth ?
-          How many little, forgettable lies did I tell today ?
-          How many ways did I gloss over how I really feel in order to save face or not ruffle someone’s feathers ?
-          What would my day, this next hour, .. be like if I really decided to tell the truth?
-          What would change ?
Put yourself on assignment. See what happens. Let your life and those you love surprise you. Cant you just feel your body exhale ? a big sigh of relief, of joy, of gratitude, of satisfaction…. 


#SclerodermaFreeWorld   #RaynaudsFreeWorld   #Research 
#Autoimmune #RareDisease  #LifeChanging



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