Passion always trumps
excuses ~ Dr Wayne Dyer
“Here’s a concept you won’t want to forget:
passion always trumps
Keep in mind that when I use the word passion,
I’m not referring to the romantic notions that this concept conjures.
Instead, I’m equating it to a vigorous kind of
enthusiasm that you feel deep within you and that isn’t easy to explain or
This kind of passion propels you in a direction
that seems motivated by a force beyond your control.
It’s the inner excitement of being on the right
path, doing what feels good to you, and what you know you were meant to do.
It’s my contention that the mere presence of
passion within you is all you need to fulfill your dreams.
Remember that God is in no need of excuses,
The creative Divine Spirit is able to manifest
anything it contemplates, and you and I are the results of its contemplating
itself into material form.
Thus, when we have an emotional reaction that
feels like overwhelming passion for what we’re contemplating, we’re
experiencing the God within us…and nothing can hold us back.
Passion is a feeling that tells you: This is
the right thing to do. Nothing can stand in my way. It doesn’t matter what
anyone else says.
This feeling is so good that it cannot be
I’m going to follow my bliss and act upon this
glorious sensation of joy.
When you’re enthusiastic, nothing seems
When you have passion, there are no risks:
family dramas become meaningless, money isn’t an issue, you know that you have
the strength and the smarts, and the rules laid down by others have no bearing
on you whatsoever.
That’s because you’re answering your calling
— and the you who is doing the answering is the highest part of you, or the God
The presence of passion within you is the
greatest gift you can receive.
And when it’s aligned with Spirit, treat it as
a miracle, doing everything you can to hold on to it.
I feel this way about the creation of my books.
I’ve learned over the years that when I go to
that place of passion within me, there’s no force in the universe that can
interfere with my completing a project.
My life is consumed by the passion I feel for
what I’m doing—yet I know that as long as I feel this, I’m experiencing the God
My enthusiasm seems to cause my world to
endlessly offer me cooperative, co-creating experiences. I’m willing and I’m
eager, and not just about my writing—I feel the same way about staying in
shape, enjoying my family, giving a lecture, or whatever it may be.
If you have passion, there is no need for
excuses, because your enthusiasm will trump any negative reasoning you might
come up with.
Enthusiasm makes
excuses a nonissue.
When you seek the presence of your creative
Spirit and are filled with passion about virtually everything you undertake,
you’ll successfully remove the roadblocks from your life and enjoy the active
presence of Spirit.”
~ Dr Wayne Dyer

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