“The timeless message of learning to align with
your Highest Self and manifest what you most desire still speaks to us.
Each day, aren’t we all striving to manifest
the four “reallies”?
“I really wish…” “I really desire…” “I really
intend…” “I really am passionate about…”
Within all of us is a divine capacity to
manifest and attract all that we need and desire.
Knowing that our thoughts create our reality,
we begin with the following thought: I have a divine ability to manifest and
attract what I need or desire!
This divine capacity that we all have to
manifest and attract begins with an awareness of our Highest Self.
We learn that we are both a physical body in a
material world and a non-physical being who can gain access to a higher level.
We can become aware of our Higher Self as a dimension
of our being that transcends the limitations of the physical world.
Our creative ability (to manifest) originates
beyond the physical world.
It begins in the unseen world of waves and
So, too, do the planets, the stars, the
flowers, the animals, the rocks, ourselves, our possessions, our creations.
There are two worlds, the seen and the unseen,
where we co-exist at all times.
We are of both these worlds simultaneously.
The problem that faces most of us in becoming
manifesters and learning to manage the circumstances of our lives is that we
have forfeited our ability to oscillate between the world of form and the
unseen world.
We are conditioned to believe that we are only
of the seen world.
Here’s where that most important thought comes
Within you is a divine ability to manifest and
attract all that you need or desire.
It is more than within you.
It is you, and you must overcome your
conditioning and give yourself permission to enter this unseen world.
You do have a Highest Self.
You can know this Highest Self in both the seen
and the unseen dimensions of your life.
How can you approach this knowing?
Here are four steps to follow as you strengthen
your acquaintance with your highest self:
immersed in and surrounded by peace.
Your Highest Self only
wants you to be at peace.
It does not judge,
compare, or demand that you be defeat anyone, or be better than anyone.
beyond the restriction of the physical plane.
The purpose of the
Highest Self is to assist you in this.
Create an inner
sanctuary that is yours alone.
Go to this silent inner
retreat as often as you can, and let go of all attachments to the external
world of the ego.
to defend yourself to anyone or anything on the earth plane.
Stay within your higher
energy pattern.
Use your inner light
for alignment and allow those who disagree to have their own points of view.
and trust in the wisdom that created you.
This trust is your
corner of freedom and it will always be yours.
Your Highest Self is
not just an idea that sounds lofty and spiritual.
It is a way of being.
It is the very first
principle that you must come to understand
and embrace as you move toward
attracting to you,
that which you want and need for
this parenthesis in eternity,
that you know as your life."
~ Dr Wayne Dyer

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