Sunday, 20 April 2014

Easter message channelled by Edgar Cayce 12.03.41


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va.,

“this 12th day of March, 1941, in accordance with request made by the Glad Helpers Prayer Group of the Ass''n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.


Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Leona and Chas. W. Rosborough, Helen Godfrey, Frances Y. Morrow, Sallie Jones, Florence Edmonds, Gladys Harding, Jessie Cox, Esther Wynne, Ruth LeNoir, Ruth Denney, Margaret Wilkins, Mae Verhoeven, Hannah Miller and Hugh Lynn Cayce.


Time of Reading 3:15 to 3:35 P. M. Eastern Standard Time.

1.     GC: You will have before you the desire of those present here to secure at this time an Easter message which may be an inspiration and a help to those to whom it is presented.

You will consider the intention of those present to pass this discourse on to others, and give that which will be most helpful now.

2.     EC: In man's experience in the earth there comes those periods of doubt and fear, and of the loss of hope.

Then to all such there should be the reminding of that Easter Morn; and as to what it has meant and does mean in the hearts and minds of those who have and do put their trust in Jesus, the Christ.

3.   There should be the reminding that - though He bowed under the burden of the Cross, though His blood was shed, though He entered into the tomb - through that power, that ability, that love as manifested in Himself among His fellow men He broke the bonds of death; proclaiming in that act that THERE IS NO DEATH when the individual, the soul, has and does put its trust in Him.

4.     Thus in this hour of despair throughout the world, when those activities are such as to indicate hate, injustice, tyranny, desire to enslave or to impel others to submit to the dictates of this or that power, - let all take heart and know that this, too, as the hour upon Calvary, must pass away; and that as upon the wings of the morning there comes that new hope, that new desire, to the hearts and minds of all who seek to know His face.

5.     This must begin within thine own heart.  

6.     Then, let all so examine their hearts and minds as to put away doubt and fear; putting away hate and malice, jealousy and those things that cause man to err.

Replace these with the desire to help, with hope, with the willingness to divide self and self's surroundings with those who are less fortunate; putting on the whole armor of God - in righteousness.

7.     Magnify in the daily life the fruit of the spirit of truth, that all may take hold and make for that activity in their lives; knowing that as ye do it unto the least of thy brethren ye do it to thy Maker.   

8.     Meditate oft upon what it has meant, does mean today, to CRUCIFY the Lord thy God in thy daily experiences.
Rather magnify, glorify Him in every word, every activity, in all thy dealings with thy fellow man.

By thy very step, by thy very look, by thy word, create HOPE in the hearts, minds and lives of others.   

9.     Make it SURE in thy OWN heart, for there - to thee - is the beginning and the end.

For He is mindful of thee, and He has promised that whosoever will may come and take of the cup that He partook of; that through Him we may be SURE in OUR hopes, OUR responses to the needs of the world at this sad changing hour.    

10.  Let that mind ever be in thee as was in Him as He offered Himself up: "Father, forgive them - they know not what they do. Father, it is finished - I come to thee. Give Thou thy servant that glory which Thou hast promised."    

11. Live that in thy life, thy conversation, thy activity everywhere; and indeed then may each in that manner bear a real Easter message to others.

12. For He hath entrusted to thee - those that love Him - the redemption of the world, to make known His willingness, His care, His promises that may be the activity of each and every soul.

13. Then, let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God - believe in Him, who has promised that "If ye will love me and keep my commandments, I will come and abide with thee - for, Lo, I am with thee always."

14. His commandments are not grievous; just being kind, just being patient, just being longsuffering with thy problems, thy turmoils, thy strifes.

15. Through that ability to make Himself one with the Father, He has gained that right, that honor to declare Himself unto as many as will harken.

16. Let thy light, then, shine ever in the dark, in the light; in the sorrow, in the gladness of thy purpose, of thy desire; that He may be glorified even as He asks of the Father.

17.  Ye - each of ye, as individuals - may do this.

So ye, as ye come into His presence, may be given

"Well done, thou good and faithful brother - enter into the joy of thy Lord."

~ Edgar Cayce 5749-13


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